More pics below
So, finally I turn 29 today, yayyyy!!
And here are pictures of 29 years old me with my 3rd son Chukwuletem. He will be 7months old tomorrow.
Guys, the last one year 5months has been incredibly exceptional for me. All cos I have you in my life.
I've shared my sad days with you, I have enjoyed my happiest moments with you too.
So in honor of my birthday, I want to share with you some of the lessons life as a blogger has taught
me. Sometimes the hard way.
There's so much love in the universe. including inside yourself. Enough to keep us on our feet during the bad days. If only we can believe in ourselves.
Don't be afraid to try to make your life an exciting one. Don't let life happen to you.
Walk on fire if you have to. by that I mean take the scary positive risks you might regret not going for.
Help others, never be stingy, not even with kind words.
Keep reaching out to people. some may reject you, some may be unkind and shaming, but there will be angels.